Collection. Europe Archipeliago-9-6-10 119 photos Austria-2000 190 photos CERN Switzerland 55 photos Christianso_and_Bornholm 87 photos Copenhagen-8-30-10 62 photos Copenhagen-Zurich-8-29-10 43 photos Europe April, 2010 (Switzerland; Italy; France) 542 photos Europe-2013 451 photos Florence-4-23-10 162 photos Gdansk-9-2-10 50 photos Gorbachove_LechWalesa 9 photos Hermitage-9-11-10 90 photos Israel, Greece, Santorini, Biomechanics 654 photos Italy -Verona, Sevile, Vecentzia-2011 530 photos July 3, 2011-Siena Italy 56 photos July 3, 2011-Spolato Italy 62 photos July 5, 2011-Orvieto-Todi-Perusia-Assisi 228 photos Kusadasi-9-27-10 138 photos Lubec-8-31-10 117 photos Luzern-9-30-10 91 photos Luzern-9-30-10 74 photos Luzern-9-30-10 84 photos Pompeii-9-22-210 137 photos Pushkin-9-12-10 108 photos Riga-9-4-10 113 photos Rodes-9-26-10 42 photos Rodes-9-26-10 40 photos Rome-9-20-10 144 photos Saint Petesburg Boloshoi_Ballet-9-10-10 37 photos Santorini-9-25-10 59 photos Sicily-9-23-10 69 photos Sports Biomechanics Perugia, 99 156 photos Sports Rehabilitation and Biomechanics - December 2-4, Perugia, Italy 1999 187 photos Stockholm-9-6-10 132 photos ST-Petersburg-9-10-10 191 photos Tallinn-9-9-10 117 photos Trip to Croatia 304 photos Trip to Greece, Holand and Switerland10-02 220 photos UK - 09 908 photos UK- London; Oxford and Switzerland -2007 335 photos UK-2006 757 photos Venice 9-18-2010 81 photos Venice and Switzerland-2013 662 photos Venice-9-22-11 165 photos Visby ,Stora_Karlso-9-5-10 86 photos Zurich-8-10 22 photos