The Real Conflict of
Some times one may wonder how is
it possible to be critisized by one of the leaders in
Biomechanics in the world for no reason.
It happened in so many occasion,
that you start woindering if it is related to your origin or
religion or who knows what. But you are wondering. Especially,
when you did not do any harm to anyone. You hear cretisism again
and again. You hear statements that do not illustrate the truth.
For example, in one of the American College of Sports Medicine,
Dr. Richard Neslon from Penn State review the modern field of
Biomechanics. He twisted the the facts to the point that even his
supported where amazed. Claims were made to the point that it
sound as if you are not a graduate from Penn State in
Biomechanics, then you are not a biomechanist. If you did not
collect data under Dr. Nelson aspicies, then it did not happened.
The fact that a biomechanical data was collected by me as early
as in the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City, and then continue to
the Munich Games in 1972 and the Montreal Olympic Games in 1976.
These facts were not even mentioned as they were not exist. In
the Scientific Pre Olympic Conference