Online. akfce.fce Page Published on Sunday, September 7, 1997 by Gideon Ariel Functional Capacity Evaluation Upon completion of the Examinee interview and the storing of the Examinee-eval file, the physical evaluation shall commence. This is a standard physical therapy evaluation, with emphasis on the body part in question. The physical evaluation form is to be filled out during or upon completion of the examination. See also akfceFunctional Capacity Evaluationakfce.caseCase Informationakfce.cervicalCervical Assessmentakfce.elbowElbow Analysisakfce.emgEMG Protocolakfce.evalEvaluationakfce.fceFunctional Capacity Evaluationakfce.finger.indexFinger Analysisakfce.finger.thumbThumb Analysisakfce.gaitGait Analysisakfce.gripGrip Settingsakfce.interviewExaminee Interviewakfce.jobJob descriptionakfce.shoulderShoulder Analysisakfce.strengthStrength Protocolakfce.wristWrist AnalysisgaitData collection protocols for gait analysissportsData collection protocols for sportsWizard windowQuestions and answers Reference: /wizard/manual/protocols/akfce.fce.html